bMobile Route Training Center


Welcome to the bMobile Tutorial Video Series.

In this video, we will go over how to create a new route or edit an existing one in the bMobile Route Manager Desktop Application.

Routes link up or identify the customer, the inventory, the driver, and the time or date a delivery is made. It is the central hub of the delivery process.

Route Setup

You first need to go to the Route Maintenance menu and click on the “Route Setup” option.

Edit an Existing Route

If you are wanting to edit an existing route, you can either highlight the route and then click the “Edit” button, or you can just double click on the one you want to edit!

Creating a New Route

When creating a new route, click on the “New” button.

You want to make sure to add a Route Number which must be a unique number that does not exceed 4 digits. You can also add a description to the route here.

Route Type

You also want to select a “Route Type”; are you creating a delivery route for a driver to go deliver products? If so, choose “Delivery”, or are you creating a route for someone (like a salesperson, for example) to go out and collect orders from your customers (this process is otherwise known as “Pre-sales”, which is described in more detail in the presales video)? If so, then choose the “Sales” route type.

Invoice Sequences

Next you want to set the invoice, presale, payment and quote fields with 6 or 7 zeroes.

This will prep the invoice sequences that will be assigned to the route.

Invoices will append the route number as part of the invoice number when a handheld device creates an order, like this:

0001           – 000100

Route         – Invoice Number


After you have inputted the information for your route, click save.

Route Stops

Next you want to select the “Route Stops” tab. Here you will add the customers that will be a part of this route. For scheduling, you can either use the checkboxes or the “Scheduled Stop” tab.

If you are assigning simple, weekly stops, just select the day of the week in this right section, and the route will now be scheduled for that day on a weekly basis.

Most users though, use the scheduled stops option, as it allows unique stop orders to be assigned by specific day, and you can set occurence to biweekly, or monthly, or whatever you need!

To do this, select the “scheduled stops” tab, select “add stop” from this left section here, or you can right click on the day you want to set a stop on the calendar, and click on “add stop”, like this.

Next, fill in the customer number (or click on this green magnifying glass to search in your customer list),

Select the date to start the appointment, and if this will be a reoccurring stop, click on the button with the two circular arrows.

Here you can set specifics on how often you would like this stop to occur. Lets say its biweekly, all you need to do is make sure the “starting on” date is on the correct day of the week, so in this case it’s Tuesday, and then put in Occurs every 14 days. Voila!

Lastly, if you want to add a stop order for that day, you can do so here.

One quick note, if for some reason you want to discontinue your scheduled stop after a certain amount of time, you can select the “ending on” field and put in the date you want the scheduled stop to end.

Make sure to hit save after you are done with this window! You should now see your scheduled stops filled in on the calendar.

After you have assigned all your stops to the route, you need to make sure to hit the save button!

That’s it!


If you have any questions about specifics regarding navigating through this process, make sure to touch base with your Implementation Consultant!

Thanks and have a good day!